"...brother birds that soar and sing and on the same branch bend..." Mary Baker Eddy
The Christian Science Association of the Pupils of James K. Kyser, C.S.B.
e-mail: kysercsassoc@yahoo.com
Phone: 919/782-6921

We are students of Christian Science, the system of spiritual healing discovered in the Bible by nineteenth-century theologian Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Science and its healing effect are completely explained in her seminal work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This book and the Bible are the primary texts used in Christian Science class instruction, which is part of the system of spiritual education provided by the Church of Christ, Scientist. Class instruction is designed to prepare students to be Christian Science practitioners (spiritual healers). Pupils’ Associations meet annually for continuing education.
Our Association’s teacher was James K. Kyser, C.S.B., popularly known as “Kay” Kyser, the Ol’ Professor of the College of Musical Knowledge, during the 1930’s and 40’s. (For more about this period of Kay’s life, use the “Kyser biography” tab.) A sense of joy, harmony, and love characterized his entire life, and eventually led him out of the entertainment business and into the healing practice of Christian Science. During the last thirty years of his life, Kyser gave his full time to serving his Church in multiple capacities—first as a Christian Science practitioner, then as a teacher, lecturer, and regular contributor to the Christian Science periodicals. He also served as head of the Church’s film and broadcasting department, and gave a year as President of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Click here to read one of his very first published articles: “Ever-present Joy!” His other articles, listed on our “Kyser Articles” page, can be accessed with a subscription to JSH-Online, or can be read for free at any Christian Science Reading Room or by contacting our Association office.

The students in Christian Science Associations use their spiritual education to bring the light of love and healing to the world in many of the same ways as their teachers before them. Our “Practitioners/Nurses” page lists members of the Kyser Association who are prepared as Christian Science practitioners or Christian Science nurses, to help you experience spiritual healing. Also among them is a Kyser student who is now teaching Christian Science healing with an Association of her own.
Kyser students have often published their experiences with spiritual healing in the official church periodicals, the Christian Science Sentinel, the Christian Science Journal, the Herald of Christian Science, and The Christian Science Monitor. A list of our articles and testimonies of healing may be accessed on the “HEALING” tab.
To dive deeper into the subject of Christian Science, we recommend any of the following websites. Of course, you may also call or email our office, and our Executive Secretary would be delighted to talk with you.

This is the official site of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. It contains information about our beliefs and teachings, spiritual healing, our publications—including access to the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and resources for youth from young children through young adulthood.
Home of the Christian Science periodicals—the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald. Listen free to current radio programs about Christian Science healing, or access all current and archived print and audio material with a subscription.
This is a short, inspirational podcast Monday-Friday to keep your work week focused on God, good.
Learn more about the founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, her followers, and her times on this website.
This Pulitzer-prize winning daily newspaper, founded by Mary Baker Eddy, has presented truthful, balanced, and accurate reporting of national and international events for over 100 years. The Monitor’s motto is “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind.”

Members of other Christian Science Associations wishing to visit the Kyser Association may email us directly on our “Contact” page. Or give us a call at 919/782-6921. Our Association meets annually in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina to share reports of our spiritual growth and demonstration of Christian love, and to further our spiritual education.